Boy, have I been busy with growing up lately!
I think I'm ready to walk but I'm making mommy and daddy wait to see my magic trick because they keep pressuring me to walk. I decided to give them another month of what they call peace of mind. Once I start walking, I'll be unstoppable...they just don't realize it yet.
I have 8 teeth now! Two more are coming in and they make me cranky and insufferable. I don't know what that means but my mommy says it every time some new teeth start to come through. If she would just let me gnaw on the furniture I would be fine. Instead she stops me from chewing on everything. It makes me angry and I yell at her to let me live. For some odd reason, it isn't okay for me to yell at mommy and daddy. They keep putting me in my play pen without the toys and it makes me sad. I figured out that if I do what they tell me, I won't have to go into the playpen unless it is sleepytime.
They trick me all the time but I usually figure out how to get around their meanness within a day.
I'm also standing up all by myself. I use mommy when she is near by because she just seems the perfect person to use for everything. When she isn't near by or looking for jobs on the internet, I usually grab hold of whatever is closest and when there is nothing, then I just get up. I should probably start getting up like that all the time but since I'm 9 months old, I don't have to do anything I don't want to. It'll happen eventually.
My last update is about the stairs. I can climb up 4 stairs now! I would try to climb more stairs but my weird mommy always takes me down after 4 stairs. I get frustrated and start temper tantrums because I figure she would leave me alone so I can do what I want. But no, she's always there to stop me. I gotta find something for her to do so that she isn't always watching me. I want to do what I want all the time, not just some of the time.
I've said enough to mommy now. I think she wants to go look at more shoes on Polyvore. She always tells me how I will understand the power of a nice classic pair of heels and the hypnotic effect of some out the box red bottoms. I don't know what all that means. I hate shoes so usually when she goes on some rant to my dad about wanting some new shoes, all I hear is blah, blah, blah. Why can't she just shut up and make me a fresh bottle with a side of sweet potatoes?
I'm off to watch Sesame Street while daddy is napping. He hates my show but I'm the Boss so he doesn't have a choice but to let me watch it. I just want to watch it in peace without him rolling his eyes so loud I can hear them in his sockets. I got that one from mommy too! :)
this post has made me want a child now, thanks. You better be willing to play with him/her since Im sure you will have energy x1000 once you get walking all the way down!
bye cuteness!
Happy birthday babybottoms!!!!
Hope your mommy and daddy have a wonderful day with you and that you enjoy this day to the fullest!! Many blessings to you for years to come...:)
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